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4 Ways Anxiety Can Creep Into Your Life

4 Ways Anxiety Can Creep Into Your Life

Anxiety disorders 一 a group of mental health conditions including generalized anxiety, social anxiety, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and posttraumatic stress disorder 一 are the most common mental health disorders, according to the World Health Organization.

Anxiety can create a strong feeling of nervousness, but that’s not the only way anxiety can affect you. Anxiety can seep into all areas of your life. 

Below, Dr. Hadi Estakhri zeros in on four ways anxiety can creep into your life and how the team here at Allied Psychiatry & Mental Health in Newport Beach, California, can help you feel better. Anxiety can creep into your life and:

1. Make you overthink everything 

Have you noticed your mind racing? Overthinking is a common way anxiety can sneak into your life and trap you in a cycle of worry and uncertainty. Overthinking is more than just reflecting on events. 

Overthinking can make it hard for you to relax, make you second guess yourself at work and at home, and can quickly add more stress. Not surprisingly, overthinking can negatively affect your quality of life. 

Overthinking can come in many forms, including overgeneralizing, catastrophizing, and all-or-nothing thinking.

2. Cause physical symptoms

Believe it or not, anxiety can cause physical symptoms. Muscle tension, headaches, and upset stomach are common physical manifestations of anxiety. In more severe cases, you may even experience a racing heart and shallow breathing.

3. Disrupt your sleep

Between the physical symptoms and the racing thoughts, anxiety sabotages your sleep quality. Some people with anxiety struggle to fall asleep, while others fall asleep but wake up in the middle of the night tossing and turning.

Poor sleep quality spirals into other physical effects. A lack of sleep can weaken your immune system, contribute to irritability, and make it hard to think clearly.

4. Affect your relationships 

Finally, anxiety can creep into your relationships at home and at work. You may start to second-guess yourself at work and see a dip in your performance. You may struggle to find the energy to meet with friends and decline their invitations as a result. 

What can you do about anxiety?

If you see the subtle signs of anxiety creeping into your daily life, you don’t need to wait for it to get worse before getting help. There are many ways to help reduce anxiety. 

Dr. Estakhri may recommend lifestyle changes such as:

In addition to lifestyle modifications, therapy and medication can go a long way to help you overcome anxiety. Dr. Estakhri can also address any comorbidities (co-occurring mental health conditions) so you can get the full relief you need.

To learn more about your anxiety treatment options, schedule a consultation at Allied Psychiatry and Mental Health today by calling us at 949-945-0927. You can also book an appointment online anytime.

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